Call for papers: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

Call for papers

Annual Meeting of the Bibliographical Society of Canada
Book Historical & Bibliographical Praxis in Canada

Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
29 May 2017 – Ryerson University

In 2017, the annual meeting of the BSC-SbC will take the form of a one-day conference, to be held in tandem with a separate joint day organized with the Canadian Association for the Study of Book Culture (CASBC) on 30 May 2017 (for more information on that event, see below). The BSC-SbC hopes to encourage students, researchers, teachers, and professionals engaged with book history and bibliography in Canada to reflect on the foci, aims, methodologies, and practices of these two related disciplines. Potential areas of interest and questions for discussion include:

Canadian Perspectives on Teaching Bibliography and the History of the Book

  • What roles do librarians, archivists, professors, and teachers play in the pedagogy and outreach of the discipline(s) in Canada?
  • What is the current status and future of key Canadian programs in book history and print culture (e.g. Simon Fraser, Sherbrooke, Toronto)?

Cultural Heritage and the History of the Book and Texts

  • How have Canadian libraries, archives, museums, and allied cultural heritage institutions endeavored, often in the face of adversity, to preserve and protect multiple legacies?
  • What is the role of bibliography in preservation and legacy-building?
  • What critical contributions do book historians and bibliographers make to research on controversial chapters of Canada’s past?

Expanding the Scope of the History of the Book and Print in Canada

  • How do we address the histories, past and current, of diverse communities of readers, writers, printers, and publishers?
  • In what ways can we collaborate more fully with related academic disciplines, including sociology, journalism, editing, computer science, history, digital humanities, and others?
  • How can we engage more with our sister societies in book history and bibliography in Canada and abroad?

Scholars, students, and professionals interested in presenting on these or related topics in the form of a 20 minute paper may submit a proposal (500 words) and a one-page CV in French or English to no later than 15 January 2017. Those invited to present at the BSC-SbC conference must also register for Congress. They will also be able to take part in the joint day organized with CASBC, on 30 May 2017.

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