The Bibliographical Society of Canada (BSC) is pleased to announce that Adrien Rannaud, a postdoctoral researcher at the Université de Sherbrooke, has been selected as the recipient of the Emerging Scholar Prize.
His paper, “‘Diriger un magazine féminin dans les années 1950: La Revue moderne, creuset de la littérature en régime médiatique,” will be presented at the BSC’s annual conference in May 2017. Dr. Rannaud’s timely and original paper focuses on the actors of the Canadian periodical La Revue modern during the 1950s, particularly their trajectories in the literary and media fields, and their impact on the poetics of the magazine. A revised, article-length version of the paper will be published in the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, subject to peer review. The prize also includes a grant of $500.
The Emerging Scholar Prize was established by the BSC in 2012 to support a scholar at the beginning of her or his career who is undertaking research in bibliography, book history, or print culture broadly defined, including the study of the creation, production, publication, distribution, and uses of manuscripts, printed books, or electronic texts.