Announcement of Greta Golick Award for the Study of Book Culture

The Bibliographical Society of Canada/la Société bibliographique du Canada (BSC-SbC) is pleased to announce the inauguration of an award to support the education of graduate students and early career researchers by facilitating their participation in the Society’s annual conference. The award is named in honour of Dr. Greta Golick (1956-2018) whose scholarship and teaching are remembered with admiration and gratitude. Inaugurated with a residual sum given to BSC-SbC by the Canadian Association for the Study of Book Culture/l’Association Canadienne pour l’étude de l’histoire du livre (CASBC/ACÉHL) at its dissolution, the award fund has been augmented by generous donations in Dr. Golick’s memory.

 Members wishing to honour the memory of our much beloved colleague and to assist book culture students to share their work with us at our annual conference are urged to further augment this award.

Donations will be gratefully accepted via the PayPal system on our BSC-Sbc Website or by mail to: 

360 Bloor St. West
PO Box 19035 Walmer
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 3C9

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