Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada
“Book: Re-imagined and Re-born”
2023 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
York University, Toronto, Ontario
29–30 May 2023
See PDF version of the program here
MONDAY, May 29
York University, Keele Campus, Bergeron Centre for Engineering Excellence, room BRG 313
Session 1
8:30 am – 10:00 am
“The Artist and Craftsman at Hand”: Janet Eaves and the Creation of Canada’s
“First” Poetry Chapbook, Grant Hurley, University of Toronto
“Desire, I Want to Turn into You”: Reflections on Nostalgia in Contemporary
Canadian Chapbooks, Gillian Dunks, McMaster University
Exploring the Small-Town Community History Book on the Prairies, Rachel
Burlock, University of Alberta (BSC-SbC Congress Graduate Merit Award
Chair: Val Ken Lem, Toronto Metropolitan University
Session 2
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
“All the Books Here Enumerated”: Databasing Lord Byron’s Personal Library
and Visualizing Deformations of Byron’s Books, Stephen Web, University of
Alberta (Greta Golick Award winner)
Arabic Diasporic Writing in Canada: An Overview Through the Lens of Food
and Foodways, Val Ken Lem, Toronto Metropolitan University
The Personal Becomes Political: Dr Amir Hassanpour’s Collection of Materials
in Kurdish Languages, Blair Kuntz, University of Toronto
Chair: Svetlana Kochkina, McGill University
AGM & Catered lunch
12:00 pm –1:30 pm
Session 3
1:30 pm –3:00 pm
Poet, Novelist, and Margaret Laurence’s Third Mother: Elsie Fry Laurence and
Western Canadian Authorship, Eli MacLaren, McGill University
Identity, Inclusion and Belonging: Women and Copyright in the Province of
Canada (1841-1867), Myra Tawfik, University of Windsor
Does a Book Need an Author? How Copyright History Informs our
Understanding of Artificial Intelligence and Authorship, Meera Nair,
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Chair: Danielle Van Wagner, University of Toronto
Session 4
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
The Book Reborn as Imprints from our Climate Crisis in Early Disney Fairy
Films, Rachel Harris, Concordia University
Book Space Shifts to Book Scape in the Research and Creation of Sleep Walk,
an Artist’s Book, Marlene MacCallum, Memorial University
Resistance, Preservation, and Prestige: Binding Fanfiction, Anna Borynec,
Concordia University of Edmonton
Chair: Mary O Kandiuk, York University
President’s reception (York University, Keele Campus, Scott Library, 2nd floor)
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
York University, Keele Campus, Bergeron Centre for Engineering Excellence, room BRG 313
Session 5
8:30 am – 10:00 am
Réimaginer la bibliographie littéraire et l’édition de certains livres
d’apprentissage d’une langue seconde à l’égard du plurilinguisme, Masoumeh
Ahmadi, University of Waterloo, University Allameh Tabataba’i (Teheran)
Reception in the (Digital) Classroom: Teaching Aldrovandi’s Monstrorum
Historia During a Monstrous Time, Myron Groover & Michael Egan,
McMaster University
Intended Vice: Reframing Damage in the Study of the Book, Risa de Rege
Braga, University of Toronto
Chair: Ruth-Ellen St. Onge, McMaster University
Session 6
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
A Feminist Approach to Books: Ursula Franklin’s Collection and Reading
Practices. Ayla Morland, University of Toronto (BSC-SbC Congress Graduate
Merit Award winner)
Key Porter Books and the Publication of Basil H. Johnston’s Indian School
Days, Ruth Panofsky, Toronto Metropolitan University
Chair: Susan Glover, Laurentian University
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Session 7
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
The Quill and “The Wheel of Fire”: First-Hand Accounts of Experimentation on
Mentally Ill Prisoners in Ontario, Danielle Van Wagner, University of
Readership in the “Little” Southern Literary Magazine, South Today, Megan
Butchart, University of Alberta (BSC-SbC Emerging Scholar prize winner)
The Poem-Object: Reading Julie Johnstone’s Essence Press, Madeleine
Beaulieu, University of Alberta
Chair: Mary O Kandiuk, York University
Keynote session
“Book Science,” Alexandra Gillespie
Director of Toronto’s Old Books New Science Lab, Vice-President of the UofT,
Principal of the UofTM
Chair: Christopher Young, University of Toronto
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
(Massey College, Common Room)
Closing Reception (Massey College, Common Room ) &
Tours of Bibliography Room (Massey College, Robertson Davies Library
6:30 – 8:30 pm