
The Society annually publishes an issue of its journal, the Papers/Cahiers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, as well as a newsletter, the Bulletin.


Cover - Vol 55, No 2 (2017) Papers of The Bibliographical Society of Canada
Vol 55, No 2 (2017)

The Papers/Cahiers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada is the official publication of the Society and is available electronically through the Open Journal System at Since 2019, new issues of Papers/Cahiers are also available on the Érudit platform.

Authors, Publishers, Readers, Texts: Studies in Book History and Print Culture

Launched in 2018 by Concordia University Press and sponsored by the Bibliographical Society of Canada, the series will publish new scholarship in the fields of bibliography, book history, and print culture broadly defined. The first book in the series is expected to appear in 2020. The series editor is Professor Ruth Panofsky . For more information, visit Concordia University Press’s site


The Bulletin is published in the spring and fall each year as the newsletter of the Bibliographical Society of Canada and is distributed to members. Each new issue of the Bulletin is made available on the website upon publication.

The editor welcomes news of interest to members of the Society. Please address all communications to

The text of the Bulletin may be viewed by clicking on the links below:

The Society originally published a newsletter, the precursor to the Bulletin from 1955 to 1962. The text of the Newsletter may be viewed by clicking on the links below:

From 1949 to 1952 the Society issued an ephemeral publication, variously called Bulletin or Newsletter, and in some instances both titles. All surviving copies may be viewed by clicking on the links below: