Call for Papers: 2025 Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

Call for Papers
2025 Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada
5–6 June, George Brown College, Toronto

New Histories of the Small Press

Small-press and independent publishing are major phenomena in the history of printing and the production of literature. As the largest publishing companies rationalize production, merge into conglomerates, shore up their market dominance, and compound their profits, hundreds of little publishing operations spring up in imitation or in opposition to them, to enable everything that capital neglects, from self-expression and local representation, to resistance and experiment. Small presses enable creativity, but not without risk: they promise individual and regional self-awareness at a cost. Small presses are alternately celebrated for their independence and disdained for their lack of financial resources. They seem to play a key part in many authors’ careers.

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Call for Papers: 2024 Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

2024 Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada
17–18 June, McGill University
Topographical: The Place of Books

Working with books is in many senses an effort to relate them to places. Writers in all genres describe journeys, encounters, visits, or homecomings in persistent patterns of excursion and return. Readers follow them, searching for the cultural, scientific, informational, or touristic meaning of places – while also trying to find the right place for books in their own lives and dwellings. In its creation and its criticism, literature is classified in geopolitical terms – nation, region, community, locale – and contested by further terms that cut across them spatially – indigeneity, empire, diaspora, fugitivity.

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Deadline Extended – Call for Submissions: A Special Issue of Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

Theme: “Disrupting Whiteness Within Special Collections, Bibliography, and Book History”

This special issue is an extension of the keynote panel “Finding Another Country in the Stacks: Decentering Whiteness Within Special Collections, Bibliography, and Book History” for the Bibliographical and Book Studies Canada’s 2022 Conference. This keynote session examined approaches to remediating the lingering effects of systemic racism all while shedding light on the radical inclusivity work occurring across Canada in book history and special collections work. This special issue will deepen the panel’s initial reflections on race, alongside systemic hierarchies associated with educational, professional, and citizenship status.

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Call for book reviews for volume 60 (2023) of Papers/Cahiers

We are seeking book reviews for volume 60 (2023) of Papers/Cahiers. Book reviewing with us is an opportunity to get familiar with the latest scholarly works in the multidisciplinary areas of book studies, and to get your name out there. Book reviews should be between 750 and 1000 words in length. 

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Deadline extended: Call for Papers for “Book: Re-imagined and Re-born”

 On 29 -30 May 2023, Canada’s bibliographical and book studies community will gather for the Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences for our first in-person conference since 2019. 

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Call for Papers: “At the Threshold: Looking Forward, Looking Back” — Bibliographical and Book Studies in Canada

The call for papers for The Bibliographical and Book Studies in Canada Annual Conference has been extended to February 28, 2022.

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Call for Papers: Bibliographical and Book Studies in Canada

The central Congress organizers and their partners at the University of Alberta for Congress 2021 are committed to offering an excellent Congress, with many opportunities for collaborations across societies and new ways to connect with old friends. They are still deciding on how to best deliver on this promise in the context of COVID-19 and are exploring all options, including investigating some of the latest technologies to offer us a range of possibilities. They are talking about making this a groundbreaking event. They promise a clear announcement about the format for Congress 2021 (i.e. virtual, in-person, or hybrid) by November 1st. Like most associations, the BSC/SbC is moving forward on the assumption that it will be a virtual conference, running on shortened days to accommodate both time zones and ZOOM fatigue. We are interested in offering traditional panels, but also in exploring new formats for presentations and new ways of arranging panels, so we will be happy to discuss wide-ranging options with presenters as the planning process unfolds, and hope to offer an exciting and innovative program.

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Call for Papers: The Power of Books in Bridging Divides

Congress 2020 logo

Bibliographical and Book Studies in Canada

On June 1st and 2nd, 2020 bibliographical and book studies researchers will gather for the Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada at Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Western University in London, Ontario. We encourage multidisciplinary engagement on the power of books in bridging social, ethnic, political, economic, and epistemological divides more broadly, while forming fresh visions for bibliographical and book studies.

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Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

Widening the Circles: The role of texts

On June 3rd and June 4th, 2019 bibliographers and book historians will gather at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Vancouver, British Columbia to explore how text in all its forms has and is conveying the conversations of Canadians, how books have inspired conversations, and how the role and form of the book is evolving as text appears in new mediums and online readers interact with text in different ways. Continue reading “Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada”

Call for Papers: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada (PBSC)

Festschrift for William F. E. Morley and Francess Halpenny

PBSC is seeking material to commemorate the life and work of Bill Morley and Francess Halpenny, who both died in December 2017 at the respective ages of 97 and 98. Their presence is greatly missed but their contributions to the literary life of Canada, and to their own universities — Queen’s University and the University of Toronto — will long be remembered.

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