Call for papers: Special issue of the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

LGBTQ+ print in Canada and elsewhere: overviews and perspectives

Special issue of the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada (to be published in Fall 2019)

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Call for Papers: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada (PBSC)

Cover - Vol 55, No 1 (2017) Papers of The Bibliographical Society of CanadaSince 1962, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada has published important historical studies on the sociality and materiality of texts — including authorship, printing, binding, publishing, piracy, reading, education, and the book trade — in Canada and the world. A bilingual scholarly community has coalesced around PBSC, uniting literary critics, historians, librarians, booksellers, small-press printers, and students of English, French, history, sociology, library science, information science, bibliography, public policy, and other disciplines.

PBSC is seeking essays for several upcoming special issues — as well as non-theme-related papers — from scholars of any nationality on any aspect of book studies or book culture.

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Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

The Book at the Crossroads of Diversities

The Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Regina
28-29 May 2018

Over the centuries, the book has played a pivotal role in capturing, preserving and passing on voices to succeeding generations of readers. At Congress 2018 bibliographers and book historians will gather at the annual conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada to explore the many facets of the book that have made it such an enduring conveyor of the diversities upon which Canadian culture has been built. Continue reading “Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada”

Call For Papers: Joint scholarly event at Congress 2017 with CASBC

Reading, Writing, Printing & Publishing in Canada since Confederation

A one-day scholarly event co-organized by The Bibliographical Society of Canada & The Canadian Association for the Study of Book Culture

Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
30 May 2017 – Ryerson University

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Call for papers: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

Call for papers

Annual Meeting of the Bibliographical Society of Canada
Book Historical & Bibliographical Praxis in Canada

Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
29 May 2017 – Ryerson University

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Call for Papers: Congress 2016 Round Table

Call for papers

Working in the University of Calgary’s Canadian Literary Archives
A Round Table sponsored by the Bibliographical Society of Canada
and the Canadian Association for the Study of Book Culture (CASBC)
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences

University of Calgary
Proposed Date of Round Table: Monday, May 30, 2016

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CFP: What Is the History of (Electronic) Books?

Four decades after the launch of Michael Hart’s Project Gutenberg and three decades after the publication of Robert Darnton’s seminal essay, “What Is the History of Books?,” are we able to start telling the history of electronic books? If so, what are the ways by which authorship, publishing, reading, and scholarship have been influenced, shaped, or changed by electronic books? Do electronic books transmit texts in new ways? What relationships do electronic books create or threaten amongst authors, publishers, and readers? What does it mean to collect and curate electronic books? Continue reading “CFP: What Is the History of (Electronic) Books?”