The Bibliographical Society of Canada/La Société bibliographique du Canada is a bilingual (English/French) organization that has as its goal the scholarly study of the history, description, and transmission of texts in all media and formats, with a primary emphasis on Canada, and the fulfillment of this goal through the following objectives:
- To promote the study and practice of bibliography: enumerative, historical, descriptive, analytical, and textual.
- To further the study, research, and publication of book history and print culture.
- To publish bibliographies and studies of book history and print culture.
- To encourage the publication of bibliographies, critical editions, and studies of book history and print culture.
- To promote the appropriate preservation and conservation of manuscript, archival, and published materials in various formats.
- To encourage the utilization and analysis of relevant manuscript and archival sources as a foundation of bibliographical scholarship and book history.
- To promote the interdisciplinary nature of bibliography, and to foster relationships with other relevant organizations nationally and internationally.
- To conduct the Society without purpose of financial gain for its members, and to ensure that any profits or other accretions to the Society shall be used in promoting its goal and objectives.