The Book at the crossroads of diversities
Program for the Annual Meeting of the Bibliographical Society of Canada
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2018 in Regina, Saskatchewan
May 28 and 29, 2018
Download the full program as a PDF
Monday, May 28, 2018
Location: All sessions, catered lunch and AGM in Classroom Building Room # CL 431
8:15 am. – 8:45 am.
Gathering together over coffee and light refreshments
8:45 am. – 9:00 am.
Welcome and Opening Remarks (Ruth-Ellen St. Onge, BSC/SBC President)
Session #1 – Chair: George Parker (Professor Emeritus, Royal Military College)
9:00 am. – 9:30 am.
Gwendolyn Davies (University of New Brunswick)
Loyalist printers, almanac poetry, and New Boys’ “New Year’s Verses” in Maritime Canada: 1775 -1830
9:30 am. -10.00 am.
Sarah Dorward (University of Saskatchewan)
The presentation and reception of James DeMille’s “A strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder”
10:00 am. – 10:30 am.
Session #2 – Chair: Nancy Earle (Douglas College)
10:30 am. – 11:00 am.
Rasoul Aliakbari (University of Alberta)
Print at the Crossroads of Diversities: An account of a Hybrid Framework
11:00 am. – 11:30 am.
Sam Popowich (University of Alberta)
“Agents of change”: Books and Marxist theories of history and technology
11:30 am. – 12:00 pm.
12:00 pm. – 2:00 pm.
BSC/SBC Annual General Meeting
Session #3 – Chair: Val Ken Lem (Ryerson University)
2:15 pm. – 2:45 pm.
Ruth Bradley-St-Cyr (University of Ottawa)
Ontario’s Royal Commission… Children’s literature?
2:45 pm – 3:15 pm.
Jocelyne Thompson (University of New Brunswick)
All hands on deck: Filling the gaps in New Brunswick bibliography
3:15 pm. – 3:45 pm.
Session # 4 – Chair: Myra J. Tawfik (University of Windsor)
3:45 pm. – 5:00 pm.
Panel – Robert Cole, Sharon Farnel, Kelly LeBlanc (University of Alberta)
From bibliography to digital repository: Traditional bibliographic practices and the provision of “meaningful” access in an online environment
5:15 pm. – 6:00 pm.
Tour guided by Michael Shires (Collections Development Librarian/BSC Local Arrangement Convenor)
A tour of Archives and Special Collections, University of Regina in the Dr. John Archer Library
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Location – All sessions, catered lunch and Keynote Address in Classroom Building # CL 418
Session #5 – Chair: Peter McNally (McGill University)
9:00 am. – 9:30 am.
Susan Cameron (St. Francis Xavier University)
“An ni nach cluinn mi an diugh cha’n aithris mi maireach”, Gaelic Zealots, praising, preserving, publishing: The story of Gaelic publications in Nova Scotia in the 18th and 19th centuries
9:30 am. – 10:00 am.
Virginie Mailhot (Université de Sherbrooke)
Portrait: Les Éditions Hannenorak
10:00 am. – 10:30 am.
Session #6 – Chair: Leslie Howsam (Professor Emeritus, University of Windsor)
10:30 am. – 11:15 am.
Jennifer Scott (Simon Fraser University)
Between two worlds: Catharine Parr Traill in books and periodicals in Canada and Britain.
11:15 am. – 12:00 pm.
Scott Schofield (Western University)
A diversity of readers: Studying, describing and mapping the multiple copies of Ralph Brooke’s A catalogue of the Succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes (London, 1619 and 1622)
12:00 pm. – 1: 30 pm.
Session #7- Chair: Penney Clark (University of British Columbia)
1:30 pm. – 2:15 pm.
Mary Kandiuk (York University)
Exploring the diversities of the Book Form: The Artist’s Book in Canada
2:15 pm. – 3:00 pm.
Laura Gerlitz (University of Alberta – Emerging Scholar Prize winner)
How to sell a Harlequin: Bringing the digital humanities into reader’s advisory
3:00 pm. – 3:30 pm.
Keynote Address Co-sponsored by BSC-SbC and CASBC-ACÉHL
Introducer: Linda Quirk (University of Alberta)
3:45 pm. – 5:00 pm.
Dr. Patricia Demers (University of Alberta)
From Threshold, to Living Room, to Kitchen: On the Architectonics of Books
Thank you remarks: Myra J. Tawfik (CASBC/ACÉHL President)
5:15 pm.
Closing Remarks: Ruth-Ellen St. Onge (BSC/SBC President)
6:00 pm.- 7:30 pm. Reception Co-hosted by BSC/SBC and CASBC-ACÉHL
Lakeshore Restaurant (#1350 , 23 Ave. , Regina) along the shores of Wascana Lake (if a sunny day within walking distance on a trail along Wascana Lake, on bus route, cabs available)