Recipients of Emerging Scholar Prize

2023: Megan Butchart from University of Alberta for her paper “Readership in the “Little” Southern Literary Magazine, South Today”.

2022: Julia Galmiche-Essue from University of Toronto for her paper “L’homme, la femme et le livre : l’entre-deux narratif dans Les Petits-Fils nègres de Vercingétorix d’Alain Mabanckou”.

2021: Alexis Lacasse from Université de Montréal for his paper “L’imprimé LGBTQ+ à l’aube de la modernité québécoise : surréalisme et transsexualité sous la Grande noirceur”.

2020: Marie-Hélène Jeannotte for her paper “Pour une approche collaborative des archives des Premières Nations : un voyage accompagné dans la mémoire du théâtre d’Ondinnok“.

2019: Dr. Sarah Kastner from York University for her paper “Between Zimbabwe and Canada: On Yvonne Vera’s Transatlantic Archives.”

2018: Laura Gerlitz, a student in the third year of the Master of Library and Information Studies and Master of Arts in Humanities Computing program at the University of Alberta for her paper, “‘How to Sell a Harlequin: Bringing the Digital Humanities into Reader’s Advisory.”

2017: Adrien Rannaud, postdoctoral researcher at the Université de Sherbrooke for his paper, “Diriger un magazine féminin dans les années 1950: La Revue moderne, creuset de la littérature en régime médiatique.”

2016: Christopher Doody, a PhD candidate in the Department of English Language and Literature at Carleton University for his project “‘Now, my Boy, Listen to Daddy’: William Arthur Deacon and his Influence on the Governor General’s Literary Awards”.

2015: Dr. Simran Thadani (Independent Scholar) for her project “The Case of the Unsigned Letters: Investigating a Unique Anonymous Writing-Book, London?, 1590?/1656.”

2014: Rachel Bryant, a PhD candidate in the Department of English at the University of New Brunswick, for “Towards the (In)digitization of the Archive: Preserving, Sharing, and Protecting Indigenous Knowledge in New Brunswick”.