We express our deepest sorrow on the death of Greta Golick, who passed away on Tuesday, 27 November 2018. Greta served as Secretary of the Bibliographical Society of Canada (BSC/SbC) from 2007 to 2014. She was a scholar of bookbinding and taught for several years at the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto where, in 2010, she completed her doctoral dissertation, “Frank Nunan and the Guelph Bookbindery: A Documentary Investigation,” under the direction of Patricia Lockhart Fleming. In addition to her steadfast and excellent work for the BSC/SbC, Greta was an active member of the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild.
Her death is, as one colleague has expressed, “a terrible loss to our community.” Her peers, colleagues, and former students remember Greta for her passionate spirit, her excellence as a scholar, her exemplary commitment to book studies in Canada, and her fresh and deeply engaged approach to teaching the history of the book. Kind, cheerful, wise, supportive, enthusiastic, generous, hard-working, and deeply knowledgeable, Greta was a truly remarkable individual.
Members of the community who wish to read more about Greta’s approach to teaching may consult her article, “Making Booxs: iSchool Students De/Construct the Book,” published in Art Libraries Journal in 2016: https://doi.org/10.1017/alj.2016.24. Greta’s attentive and engaged commitment to students also shines clear in the interview she gave after being nominated as a “Community Champion” by one of her students at the University of Toronto: http://healthyuoft.ca/our-community-champions/greta-golick
Our thoughts are with Greta’s family, friends, and colleagues.
For information on memorial services and donation suggestions, please follow the link: http://www.benjaminsparkmemorialchapel.ca/ServiceDetails.aspx?snum=135056&fg=0&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1