We are very pleased to announce that volume 57 of the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada is now available online. BSC members will receive printed copies of the journal later this summer. This special issue is dedicated to LGBTQ+ print culture in Canada and beyond and is guest-edited by Rebecka Taves Sheffield and Nicholas Giguère. As the guest editors reflect in their introduction to the special issue, “[a]lthough these studies cannot possibly represent the totality of LGBTQ+ print culture in Canada, they illustrate the diversity and complexity of LGBTQ+ histories and should serve as catalysts for further study.” The BSC is proud to support scholarship on Canada’s vibrant LGBTQ+ communities and their engagement with textual culture, books, and print.
A Note on Our Journal
The Papers is now 100 % open access and will appear on a yearly basis. Our next volume will be published in December 2020. As of 2020, the Papers are also now available on Érudit. We welcome the new English language book review editor, Rachel Harris, and the new French language book review editor, Philippe Rioux, and thank our outgoing review editors Kristine Smitka and Stéphanie Bernier for their many years of excellent service. Please note that although this most recent issue of the journal does not include book reviews in French, a full slate of French language reviews will appear in the next issue in December 2020.
If you would like to support our journal, please consider becoming a member of the Bibliographical Society of Canada. Membership fees and donations to the Society help cover the cost of editing, copy-editing, typesetting, and printing the journal. Scholars working in any aspect of bibliographical study, Canadian or otherwise, including printing and publishing history, and textual studies, are invited to submit papers in either English or French on our Online Journal System at https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/bsc/about/submissions