Latest issue of the Bulletin (Winter 2019) is now available online

Many thanks to all who submitted texts for the issue, which I hope you will all enjoy. As an ongoing reminder: the Bulletin is always in search of new content. If there is anything you would like to share in the next issue, please do not hesitate to contact the editor at Continue reading “Latest issue of the Bulletin (Winter 2019) is now available online”

New issue of Papers available

“Canada 150. Bound by Three Oceans: Reading, Writing, Printing and Publishing in Canada since Confederation”, the current issue of the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, is open access and is now available online:  Continue reading “New issue of Papers available”

Authors, Publishers, Readers, Texts: Studies in Book History and Print Culture A New Series from Concordia University Press

Concordia University Press is excited to announce the creation and launch of a new series, Authors, Publishers, Readers, Texts: Studies in Book History and Print Culture. Sponsored by the Bibliographical Society of Canada and under the editorship of Professor Ruth Bradley-St-Cyr (University of Ottawa), the series will publish new scholarship in the fields of bibliography, book history, and print culture broadly defined. The first book in the series is expected to appear in 2020. Continue reading “Authors, Publishers, Readers, Texts: Studies in Book History and Print Culture A New Series from Concordia University Press”

A message from the Council of the BSC/SbC

We express our deepest sorrow on the death of Greta Golick, who passed away on Tuesday, 27 November 2018. Greta served as Secretary of the Bibliographical Society of Canada (BSC/SbC) from 2007 to 2014. She was a scholar of bookbinding and taught for several years at the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto where, in 2010, she completed her doctoral dissertation, “Frank Nunan and the Guelph Bookbindery: A Documentary Investigation,” under the direction of Patricia Lockhart Fleming. In addition to her steadfast and excellent work for the BSC/SbC, Greta was an active member of the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild. Continue reading “A message from the Council of the BSC/SbC”

Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

Widening the Circles: The role of texts

On June 3rd and June 4th, 2019 bibliographers and book historians will gather at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Vancouver, British Columbia to explore how text in all its forms has and is conveying the conversations of Canadians, how books have inspired conversations, and how the role and form of the book is evolving as text appears in new mediums and online readers interact with text in different ways. Continue reading “Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada”

Tremaine Medal 2018: Call for Nominations

The Awards Committee invites nominations for the Marie Tremaine Medal, offered by the Bibliographical Society of Canada (BSC) for outstanding service to Canadian bibliography and for distinguished publication in either English or French in that field. The Tremaine Medal is accompanied by the Watters-Morley Prize, a $500 scholarly award. Continue reading “Tremaine Medal 2018: Call for Nominations”

2019 Emerging Scholar Prize – Call for applications

The Bibliographical Society of Canada (BSC) invites applications for the Emerging Scholar Prize. The Prize promotes the work of a researcher who is beginning a career in the fields of book history and bibliography broadly defined, including a study of the creation, production, publication, distribution, transmission, history, and uses of printed books, manuscripts, or electronic texts. Preference will be given to topics with a Canadian dimension. Continue reading “2019 Emerging Scholar Prize – Call for applications”

Call for Papers: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada (PBSC)

Festschrift for William F. E. Morley and Francess Halpenny

PBSC is seeking material to commemorate the life and work of Bill Morley and Francess Halpenny, who both died in December 2017 at the respective ages of 97 and 98. Their presence is greatly missed but their contributions to the literary life of Canada, and to their own universities — Queen’s University and the University of Toronto — will long be remembered.

Continue reading “Call for Papers: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada (PBSC)”