Call for Papers: 2025 Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

Call for Papers
2025 Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada
5–6 June, George Brown College, Toronto

New Histories of the Small Press

Small-press and independent publishing are major phenomena in the history of printing and the production of literature. As the largest publishing companies rationalize production, merge into conglomerates, shore up their market dominance, and compound their profits, hundreds of little publishing operations spring up in imitation or in opposition to them, to enable everything that capital neglects, from self-expression and local representation, to resistance and experiment. Small presses enable creativity, but not without risk: they promise individual and regional self-awareness at a cost. Small presses are alternately celebrated for their independence and disdained for their lack of financial resources. They seem to play a key part in many authors’ careers.

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Join the BSC Special Collections Interest Group for Biblio-Bière!

Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 (following the BSC annual conference)

The BSC Special Collections Interest Group presents Biblio-Bière, a celebration of great books, craft beer, and congenial company. 

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2024 BSC Conference – Preliminary program available

The Bibliographical Society of Canada is pleased to present the preliminary program for its 2024 Annual Conference, Topographical: The Place of Books at McGill University, June 17-18, 2024.

Registration for the conference is now open! Please note that  Congress’s early-bird registration deadline is March 31st.

Deadline extended: Call for Papers for “Book: Re-imagined and Re-born”

 On 29 -30 May 2023, Canada’s bibliographical and book studies community will gather for the Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences for our first in-person conference since 2019. 

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Registration open: Bibliographical & Book Studies in Canada Virtual Conference

Register at this link ->

Relations of the Book

From May 31st to June 1st, bibliographical and book studies researchers will gather remotely for the virtual Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada. Our conference speakers this year will engage with the theme ‘Relations of the Book’ in connecting peoples, communities, cultures, and ways of knowing while forming inclusive visions for bibliographical and book studies. We are excited to share a program of speakers that engage with the theme, which includes presentations on the decolonization of texts and diverse bibliographical approaches to examine marginalized ‘book’ cultures.

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Annual BSC-SbC Conference Cancelled

The BSC-SbC Council has voted to cancel the 2020 Bibliographical and Book Studies in Canada Conference after consulting with our prospective presenters and assessing the many difficulties and stresses of mounting a virtual conference. We do not want to add to the many demands on our members at this difficult time. Meanwhile, we will explore options for running a virtual Annual General Meeting.

May you all find solace in a good book or two, stay well and take care of yourselves and your families.

Karen Smith, President
Bibliographical Society of Canada / La Société bibliographique du Canada

Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

Widening the Circles: The role of texts

On June 3rd and June 4th, 2019 bibliographers and book historians will gather at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Vancouver, British Columbia to explore how text in all its forms has and is conveying the conversations of Canadians, how books have inspired conversations, and how the role and form of the book is evolving as text appears in new mediums and online readers interact with text in different ways. Continue reading “Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada”

Draft programs now available for the 2018 BSC-SbC annual conference

The draft programme of the annual conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, “The Book at the Crossroads of Diversities” is now available. Participants will explore the many facets of the book that have made it such an enduring conveyor of the diversities upon which Canadian culture has been built.

Continue reading “Draft programs now available for the 2018 BSC-SbC annual conference”

Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

The Book at the Crossroads of Diversities

The Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Regina
28-29 May 2018

Over the centuries, the book has played a pivotal role in capturing, preserving and passing on voices to succeeding generations of readers. At Congress 2018 bibliographers and book historians will gather at the annual conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada to explore the many facets of the book that have made it such an enduring conveyor of the diversities upon which Canadian culture has been built. Continue reading “Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada”