Deadline Extended – Call for Submissions: A Special Issue of Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

Theme: “Disrupting Whiteness Within Special Collections, Bibliography, and Book History”

This special issue is an extension of the keynote panel “Finding Another Country in the Stacks: Decentering Whiteness Within Special Collections, Bibliography, and Book History” for the Bibliographical and Book Studies Canada’s 2022 Conference. This keynote session examined approaches to remediating the lingering effects of systemic racism all while shedding light on the radical inclusivity work occurring across Canada in book history and special collections work. This special issue will deepen the panel’s initial reflections on race, alongside systemic hierarchies associated with educational, professional, and citizenship status.

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2023 Bernard Amtmann Fellowship Awarded

The members of the Fellowships Committee are very pleased to announce that Manuel Medrano has been awarded the Bernard Amtmann Fellowship for 2023 for his project, “Book History beyond the Page: An Andean Khipu in the McGill University Library.”

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2023 Marie Tremaine Fellowship Awarded

The members of the Fellowships Committee are very pleased to announce that Sarah Pelletier has been awarded the Marie Tremaine Fellowship for 2023 for her project, “’Neither boy nor man’: Transnational Dimensions of Gender(ing), Race, and Labour in the Nineteenth-Century North American Typographical Trade and Press, 1850-1914.”

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Graduate Student Merit Award Winner for 2023

The Bibliographic Society of Canada (BSC) is pleased to announce that Rachel Burlock has been nominated for the BSC-SbC’s Congress Graduate Student Merit Award. Rachel is a doctoral student at the University of Alberta in the department of English and Film Studies. The awards Committee was impressed with Rachel’s research, which was foregrounded in community history book from a rural settlement in Manitoba.

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Congratulating the BSC-SbC Emerging Scholar 2023

The Bibliographic Society of Canada (BSC) is pleased to announce that Megan Butchart has been awarded the Emerging Scholar Prize for 2023. Megan is a recent Master of Arts graduate in English from the University of Alberta.  The Awards Committee was particularly impressed with her multi-layered research project that focused on the southern literary magazine South Today (1936-1945), which paid particular attention to readership. The committee felt this approach brought an important and dynamic dimension to their analysis of the anti-racism activism undertaken by the magazine’s editors within and beyond its pages.

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