2017 Tremaine Medal and Watters-Morley Prize Awarded

The members of the Awards Committee are very pleased to announce that Anne Dondertman will be the recipient of the Marie Tremaine Medal and Watters-Morley Prize for 2017. The Medal will be awarded at the Society’s 72nd Annual General Meeting.

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2017 Emerging Scholar Prize – Invitation

The Bibliographical Society of Canada (BSC) invites applications for the Emerging Scholar Prize. The Prize promotes the work of a researcher who is beginning his or her career in the fields of book history and bibliography broadly defined, including the study of the creation, production, publication, distribution, transmission, history, and uses of printed books, manuscripts, or electronic texts. Preference will be given to topics with a Canadian dimension. Continue reading “2017 Emerging Scholar Prize – Invitation”

Call for papers: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

Call for papers

Annual Meeting of the Bibliographical Society of Canada
Book Historical & Bibliographical Praxis in Canada

Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
29 May 2017 – Ryerson University

Continue reading “Call for papers: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Bibliographical Society of Canada”

Tremaine Medal 2016: Call for Nominations

The Awards Committee invites nominations for the Marie Tremaine Medal, offered by the Bibliographical Society of Canada (BSC) for outstanding service to Canadian bibliography and for distinguished publication in either English or French in that field. The Tremaine Medal is accompanied by the Watters-Morley Prize, a $500 scholarly award.

Continue reading “Tremaine Medal 2016: Call for Nominations”

Call for Papers: Congress 2016 Round Table

Call for papers

Working in the University of Calgary’s Canadian Literary Archives
A Round Table sponsored by the Bibliographical Society of Canada
and the Canadian Association for the Study of Book Culture (CASBC)
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences

University of Calgary
Proposed Date of Round Table: Monday, May 30, 2016

Continue reading “Call for Papers: Congress 2016 Round Table”

2016 Tremaine Fellowship call for applications

The Bibliographical Society of Canada invites applications for the Marie Tremaine Fellowship. Deadline for application: February 28, 2016.

The Tremaine Fellowship is offered in memory and through the generosity of Marie Tremaine (1902-1984), the doyenne of Canadian bibliographers. The Fellowship was instituted in 1987 and is offered annually to support the work of a scholar engaged in some area of bibliographical research, including textual studies and publishing history and with a particular emphasis on Canada. The Fellowship, which is in the amount of $2,000.00, is open only to members of the Bibliographical Society of Canada.

For further details and application form please see the Fellowship page.

2015 Emerging Scholar Prize Awarded

The Bibliographical Society of Canada is pleased to announce that Simran Thadani has been selected as the recipient of the 2015 Emerging Scholar Prize for her project, The Case of the Unsigned Letters: Investigating a Unique Anonymous Writing-Book, London?, 1590?/1656. Dr. Thadani will present her paper at the BSC’s annual meeting, which will take place at SHARP 2015 in Longueuil/Montreal. A revised, article-length version of the paper will be published in the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, subject to peer review. The prize also includes a grant of $500. Continue reading “2015 Emerging Scholar Prize Awarded”